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Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Indonesia on the Global Stage: Navigating Renewed Challenges

Indonesia on the Global Stage: Navigating Renewed Challenges

Indonesia on the Global Stage: Navigating Renewed Challenges

Indonesia on the Global Stage: Navigating Renewed Challenges

Indonesia-Turkiye Defence Industry Cooperation: Forging a New Frontier?

Indonesia-Turkiye Defence Industry Cooperation: Forging a New Frontier?

Indonesia-Turkiye Defence Industry Cooperation: Forging a New Frontier?

Indonesia-Turkiye Defence Industry Cooperation: Forging a New Frontier?

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Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power
April 23, 2024

Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

Opening Remarks

Andi Raihanah Ashar

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Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power
Opening Remarks

Andi Raihanah Ashar

Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

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In our latest webinar, our Lead Analyst for Maritime Security and Counterterrorism, Andi Raihanah Ashar, mentioned the importance of Indonesia to possess integrated power projection capabilities that fully embrace collaborative combat principles.


Col. Victor Pardamean

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Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

Col. Victor Pardamean

Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

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In our latest webinar, Col. Victor Pardamean pointed out the Indonesian Navy’s (TNI AL) plan to not only modernise but also better integrate its assets, including for the purpose of power projection. M. Pardamean also mentioned several security challenges that the country is currently facing.


Aloysius Selwas Taborat

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Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

Aloysius Selwas Taborat

Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

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In our latest webinar, Aloysius Selwas Taborat explained non-military hardware aspects of a country’s power projection capabilities that also need to be strengthened. M. Taborat also underlined the importance of prioritising human capital development in defence industry collaboration.


Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

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Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

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In our latest discussion, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate underscored the significance of a country’s armed forces in achieving a high level of integration to streamline operations, maintenance, and planning. M. Ate also mentioned the importance of choosing mature systems/platforms to achieve collaborative combat capabilities.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

Alman Helvas Ali

Sentinels of Sovereignty: Projecting an Integrated Power

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In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali elaborated on the reasons why Indonesia needs to streamline its sources of arms procurement, particularly by considering interoperability, collaborative combat, and geopolitical factors. M. Ali also highlighted the need for system and platform standardisation.

Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie
March 26, 2024

Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie

Opening Remarks

Andi Raihanah Ashar

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Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie
Opening Remarks

Andi Raihanah Ashar

Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie

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In our latest webinar, our Lead Analyst for Maritime Security and Counterterrorism, Andi Raihanah Ashar, pointed out why commonality and interoperability factors should be prioritised in modernising the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI).


Cdre. Heri Triwibowo

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Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie

Cdre. Heri Triwibowo

Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie

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In our latest webinar, Cdre. Heri Triwibowo explained the urgency to significantly increase Indonesian National Armed Forces’s (TNI) anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare capabilities, including by expanding and modernising the submarine fleet.


BG Oktaheroe Ramsi

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Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie

BG Oktaheroe Ramsi

Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie

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In our latest discussion, BG Oktaheroe Ramsi discussed several challenges for the Indonesian military to enhance its anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare capabilities. M. Ramsi also mentioned some future procurement plans.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie

Alman Helvas Ali

Securing The Seas: Advancing TNI’s Integrated Anti-Submarine and Anti-Surface Capabilitie

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In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali underlined the importance for Indonesian defense stakeholders to adapt to various disruptive technologies in naval warfare. M. Ali also provided several suggestions on how Indonesian military could better integrate its assets.

Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry
February 20, 2024

Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

Opening Remarks

Andi Raihanah Ashar

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Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry
Opening Remarks

Andi Raihanah Ashar

Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

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In our latest webinar, our Lead Analyst for Maritime Security and Counterterrorism, Andi Raihanah Ashar, underlined the importance of fostering multilateral defence industrial cooperation among ASEAN countries. Ms. Ashar pointed out several opportunities to materialise this idea, including the increase in regional defence spending, similar requirements, and transfer of technology programmes.


Dr Mohd Hazmi Rusli

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Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

Dr Mohd Hazmi Rusli

Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

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In our latest discussion, Dr Mohd Hazmi Rusli explained Malaysia’s ambition to become an influential regional and international player. M. Rusli emphasised that one of the key components to achieving this goal is for Malaysia to have capable and modern armed forces.


Joshua Bernard Espena

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Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

Joshua Bernard Espena

Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

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In our latest webinar, Joshua Bernard Espeña shared his views about the ongoing arms modernisation and defence industry advancement plan in the Philippines. Additionally, M. Espeña gave several tips for ASEAN countries seeking defence industry collaboration with the Philippines.


Curie Maharani Savitri

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Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

Curie Maharani Savitri

Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

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In our latest webinar, Curie Maharani Savitri highlighted some challenges that ASEAN countries must overcome to achieve meaningful cooperation in the defence industry. Ms. Savitri also highlighted how Indonesia could play a pivotal role in the formation of a regional defence industry network.


Thomas Lim

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Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

Thomas Lim

Shaping Tomorrow: Exploring Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Defence Industry

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In our latest webinar, Thomas Lim outlined the trajectory of Singapore’s defence industry development and put forward a number of ideas on how to initiate a strong defence industry collaboration among ASEAN states.

Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia
January 23, 2024

Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

Opening Remarks

Bianca Nadiera

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Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia
Opening Remarks

Bianca Nadiera

Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

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In our latest webinar, our Communication Associate, Bianca Nadiera, outlined the reasons why Indonesia should actively address geopolitical tensions in the Indo-Pacific Region.


Caka Alverdi Awal

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Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

Caka Alverdi Awal

Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

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In our latest webinar, Caka Alverdi Awal explained the threats posed by geopolitical competition and transnational crime to Indonesia’s maritime domain. M. Awal also underlined the need for Indonesia to bolster its defence posture and proactively promote peace and cooperation.


Col. Steven Toar Sambouw

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Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

Col. Steven Toar Sambouw

Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

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In our latest discussion, Col. Steven Toar Sambouw mentioned various dimensions and spectrums of military, non-military, and hybrid threats that Indonesia must face. Additionally, M. Sambouw conveyed the importance of Indonesia possessing the capability to repel potential adversaries beyond its borders.


Farhan Julianto

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Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

Farhan Julianto

Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

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In our latest discussion, Farhan Julianto emphasised the need for Jakarta to clarify its maritime security-related strategies and improve inter-governmental coordination. Additionally, M. Julianto stressed the importance of Indonesia to continuously increase both the quality and quantity of its maritime security assets.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

Alman Helvas Ali

Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia

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In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali gave several suggestions so that Indonesia could contribute more to Indo-Pacific security, especially in Southeast Asia. One of the basic enablers is for the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) to have modern power projection capabilities.

Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?
December 20, 2023

Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

Opening Remarks

Bianca Nadiera

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Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?
Opening Remarks

Bianca Nadiera

Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

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In our latest webinar, our Communication Associate, Bianca Nadiera, pointed out the importance of discussing the fate of the current 10 priority programmes for the national defence industry considering the transfer of power that will soon occur.


Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

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Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

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In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate highlighted a number of issues in Indonesia’s efforts to master 10 key defence technologies. M. Ate also emphasised the importance of long-term political and budgetary commitment in advancing Indonesia’s defence industry.


Yono Reksoprodjo

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Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

Yono Reksoprodjo

Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

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In our latest discussion, Yono Reksoprodjo provided a list of recommendations so that Indonesia can better advance its domestic defence industry. M. Reksoprodjo also explained the importance of building a comprehensive defence industry, starting from the raw materials industry to system/platform integration.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

Alman Helvas Ali

Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

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In our latest discussion, Alman Helvas Ali underlined the hurdles within the Indonesian defence industry, ranging from political commitment, bureaucratic, to mindset issues. M. Ali explained the need for additional investment in the defence sector so that the local defence industry can master more technology.


Curie Maharani Savitri

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Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

Curie Maharani Savitri

Strategic Blueprint: Advancing Indonesian Strategic Defence Projects?

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In our latest webinar, Curie Maharani Savitri compared the conditions and process for forming a defence industry blueprint in Indonesia with other countries. Ms. Savitri underscored how uncertainty and inconsistency in executing defence industry priority programmes negatively affect Indonesia’s ambition to increase its national defence self-sufficiency.

Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?
November 14, 2023

Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

Opening Remarks

Bianca Nadiera

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Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?
Opening Remarks

Bianca Nadiera

Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

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In our latest webinar, our Communications Associate, Bianca Nadiera, underlined the critical need to analyse defence-related policy proposals outlined by the three presidential candidates.


Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

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Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

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In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate emphasised the urgency of the new president to accelerate the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) modernisation programme and the advancement of the domestic defence industry.


Curie Maharani Savitri

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Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

Curie Maharani Savitri

Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

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In our latest discussion, Curie Maharani Savitri shed light on the trends in the defence policy-making process in Indonesia and the various internal and external challenges that the new president must face in strengthening the national defence posture.


Ade Marboen

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Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

Ade Marboen

Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

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In our latest discussion, Ade Marboen pointed out the central role of the president and vice president in the defence sector and why it is important for the next administration to have a long-term commitment to enhance Indonesia’s national defence posture.


Novan Iman Santosa

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Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

Novan Iman Santosa

Safeguarding the Path Ahead: What to Expect of Indonesian Defence Post-2024?

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In our latest webinar, Novan Iman Santosa explained a number of security challenges that Indonesia would face in the future and what the impact would be if there were no significant changes in Indonesia’s defence posture.

Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan
October 17, 2023

Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

Opening Remarks

Bianca Nadiera

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Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan
Opening Remarks

Bianca Nadiera

Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

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In our latest webinar, our Communication Associate, Bianca Nadiera, pointed out a number of factors that must be taken into account when the Indonesian Government wants to implement energy transition policies in the country’s defence sector.


Agus Tjahajana

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Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

Agus Tjahajana

Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

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In our latest webinar, Agus Tjahajana presented the economic opportunities and global defence industry trends to develop and produce military equipment and platforms that are more environmentally friendly, including those that utilise battery technology. M. Tjahajana also explained why it is important for Indonesia’s domestic defence and commercial industry to master energy transition-related technologies.


AFM Dedy Laksmono

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Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

AFM Dedy Laksmono

Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

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In our latest discussion, AFM Dedy Laksmono mentioned a number of benefits that energy transition-related technologies could provide to the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). Additionally, M. Laksmono underlined the Ministry of Defence and TNI’s plans to operate more electric vehicles and battery-based platforms.


Novan Iman Santosa

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Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

Novan Iman Santosa

Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

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In our latest discussion, Novan Iman Santosa highlighted several alternative energy sources and storage technologies that could be adopted by the Indonesian defence sector, especially biofuels, solar panels, and batteries. M. Santosa also emphasised that energy storage and distribution must be adapted to military operational needs.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

Alman Helvas Ali

Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan

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In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali explained that the energy transition in the defence secretary heavily relies on access to key technologies, as well as budgetary and political support from the government. M. Ali also presented several recommendations on how the Indonesian defence industry and armed forces should incorporate more energy transition-related technologies.

Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security
September 19, 2023

Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

Opening Remarks

Andi Raihanah Ashar

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Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security
Opening Remarks

Andi Raihanah Ashar

Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

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Our Research Coordinator, Andi Raihanah Ashar pointed out why it is critical for Indonesia to improve its underwater defence not only to protect its sovereignty but also its economy and natural resources.


Col. Andri Kristianto

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Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

Col. Andri Kristianto

Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

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In our latest discussion, Col. Andri Kristianto explained the Indonesian Navy’s (TNI AL) plan to strengthen its underwater defence capabilities. M. Kristianto emphasised that in the future, TNI AL should operate more advanced and numerous underwater platforms, including submarines and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs).


Col. Mohamad Nafis

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Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

Col. Mohamad Nafis

Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

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In our latest webinar, Col. Mohamad Nafis underlined the government’s commitment to enhance Indonesia’s underwater security, especially through the continuous modernisation of the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) and the advancement of the domestic defence industry. M. Nafis also mentioned several variables that hinder the efforts to strengthen Indonesia’s underwater defence such as budget limitations.


Rizal Darma Putra

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Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

Rizal Darma Putra

Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

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In our latest discussion, Rizal Darma Putra described geopolitical challenges and maritime threats that Indonesia must face. M. Putra underlined that it is also important for Indonesia to closely monitor the security policies of major powers, especially China and the US and their allies, in the Indo-Pacific Region, as well as put special focus on preventing illegal underwater activities within its territory.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

Alman Helvas Ali

Protecting Indonesia’s Underwater Sovereignty and Security

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In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali highlighted a number of challenges for Indonesia to protect its underwater domain and for the local defence industry to master underwater domain-related technologies such as sonar, submarines, and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs). M. Ali also gave several policy recommendations for the government to improve the mastery of underwater technology.

Semar Sentinel

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