Revolutionising Military Affairs: Revisiting Indonesia’s Defence Doctrine
Opening Remarks
Andi Raihanah Ashar

Andi Raihanah Ashar
Revolutionising Military Affairs: Revisiting Indonesia’s Defence Doctrine
In our most recent webinar, our Lead Analyst for Maritime Security and Counterterrorism, Andi Raihanah Ashar, pointed out the urgency for Indonesia to continue modernising its armed forces, including in the doctrinal aspect that incorporates the principles of collaborative combat.
Col. Agung Karyanto

Col. Agung Karyanto
Revolutionising Military Affairs: Revisiting Indonesia’s Defence Doctrine
In our latest webinar, Col. Agung Karyanto outlined the domestic and international factors influencing changes in Indonesia’s defence and military doctrines. M. Karyanto also explained why in recent years Indonesia has decided to strengthen its strategic partnership with France.

Revolutionising Military Affairs: Revisiting Indonesia’s Defence Doctrine
In our latest webinar, Jupriyanto underscored the importance of focusing on the most needed technologies to enhance Indonesia’s defence capabilities. Additionally, M. Jupriyanto the need to choose the right foreign partners who can help Indonesia in mastering these critical technologies.
RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono

RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono
Revolutionising Military Affairs: Revisiting Indonesia’s Defence Doctrine
In our latest discussion, RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono stressed the crucial need for the Ministry of Defence and TNI to develop collaborative combat capabilities right from the planning stage, with particular attention to Indonesia’s vast archipelagic landscape.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Revolutionising Military Affairs: Revisiting Indonesia’s Defence Doctrine
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali explained the challenges Indonesia faces in transforming its defence sector and for TNI to possess adequate collaborative combat capabilities. M. Ali also highlighted the need for Indonesia to regularly review and test its defence doctrine and strategy, while keeping up with technological developments.