Unlocking Potential: The Private Sector in Indonesian Defence
Opening Remarks
Andi Raihanah Ashar

Andi Raihanah Ashar
Unlocking Potential: The Private Sector in Indonesian Defence
In our latest webinar, our Lead Analyst for Maritime Security and Counterterrorism, Andi Raihanah Ashar highlighted the evolving security dynamics where the private sector plays a crucial role in defence supply chains by providing parts and materials to state-owned manufacturers.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Unlocking Potential: The Private Sector in Indonesian Defence
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali highlighted the challenges of BUMN favouritism in Indonesia’s defence sector. Despite this, private firms are increasingly getting involved in major projects, showing promising signs of positive development.
Rizal Darma Putra

Rizal Darma Putra
Unlocking Potential: The Private Sector in Indonesian Defence
In our most recent webinar, Rizal Darma Putra highlighted the need for clear regulations to integrate private security firms into the government’s framework and the importance to build a strong military force, relying on domestic capabilities or partnerships with foreign defence sectors.
Ade Marboen

Ade Marboen
Unlocking Potential: The Private Sector in Indonesian Defence
In our latest webinar, Ade Marboen explained that Indonesia should pursue an integrative collaboration between private defence industries and state-owned enterprises (BUMN) which are crucial for the industry’s growth.
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate
Unlocking Potential: The Private Sector in Indonesian Defence
In our latest discussion, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate emphasised the crucial need to involve private defence firms in smaller projects to build a competitive and independent domestic defence industry in Indonesia.
Rangga Jantan Wargadalam

Rangga Jantan Wargadalam
Unlocking Potential: The Private Sector in Indonesian Defence
In our most recent webinar, Rangga Wargadalam underscored the importance of a stable domestic industry and strategic defence procurement to achieve the 2045 Golden Indonesia vision.