Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia
Opening Remarks
Bianca Nadiera

Bianca Nadiera
Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia
In our latest webinar, our Communication Associate, Bianca Nadiera, outlined the reasons why Indonesia should actively address geopolitical tensions in the Indo-Pacific Region.
Caka Alverdi Awal

Caka Alverdi Awal
Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia
In our latest webinar, Caka Alverdi Awal explained the threats posed by geopolitical competition and transnational crime to Indonesia’s maritime domain. M. Awal also underlined the need for Indonesia to bolster its defence posture and proactively promote peace and cooperation.
Col. Steven Toar Sambouw

Col. Steven Toar Sambouw
Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia
In our latest discussion, Col. Steven Toar Sambouw mentioned various dimensions and spectrums of military, non-military, and hybrid threats that Indonesia must face. Additionally, M. Sambouw conveyed the importance of Indonesia possessing the capability to repel potential adversaries beyond its borders.
Farhan Julianto

Farhan Julianto
Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia
In our latest discussion, Farhan Julianto emphasised the need for Jakarta to clarify its maritime security-related strategies and improve inter-governmental coordination. Additionally, M. Julianto stressed the importance of Indonesia to continuously increase both the quality and quantity of its maritime security assets.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Guardian of the Region: Enhancing Indonesia’s Defence Capability for a Secure Maritime Southeast Asia
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali gave several suggestions so that Indonesia could contribute more to Indo-Pacific security, especially in Southeast Asia. One of the basic enablers is for the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) to have modern power projection capabilities.