Bridging the Gap: The Urgency for Interim Submarines for Indonesia
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
Bridging the Gap: The Urgency for Interim Submarines for Indonesia
In our most recent webinar, our Research Coordinator and Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, highlighted the complex issues surrounding the procurement of interim equipment, including cost-effectiveness, operational challenges, and the impact on overall procurement planning.
RADM Bambang Irwanto

RADM Bambang Irwanto
Bridging the Gap: The Urgency for Interim Submarines for Indonesia
In our latest webinar, RADM Bambang Irwanto discussed threat-based and capability-based planning, while also stressing the importance of scope, doctrine, and interoperability in developing a modern and adaptable defence posture.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Bridging the Gap: The Urgency for Interim Submarines for Indonesia
In our most recent webinar, Alman Helvas Ali explained that upgrading and overhauling the existing DSME 209/1400 submarines is the most cost-effective approach, compared to the potential challenges of acquiring second-hand submarines.
Ade Marboen

Ade Marboen
Bridging the Gap: The Urgency for Interim Submarines for Indonesia
In our most recent webinar, Ade Marboen highlighted the challenge of bridging the technological gap between 1980s submarine systems and advanced 2020s technology, suggesting that the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) might be better off acquiring an existing submarine before investing in a new, customised model.
Reine Prihandoko

Reine Prihandoko
Bridging the Gap: The Urgency for Interim Submarines for Indonesia
In our latest webinar, Reine Prihandoko addressed concerns about focusing on acquiring interim submarines due to budget constraints and risks associated with second-hand equipment.