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Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Indonesia on the Global Stage: Navigating Renewed Challenges

Indonesia on the Global Stage: Navigating Renewed Challenges

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Indonesia-Turkiye Defence Industry Cooperation: Forging a New Frontier?
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Outward-Looking Strategy: Key to Post-MEF Naval Posture
Opening Remarks
Andi Raihanah Ashar

Andi Raihanah Ashar
Outward-Looking Strategy: Key to Post-MEF Naval Posture
Our Research Coordinator, Andi Raihanah Ashar, underlined the importance of having a more outward-looking navy and national defence strategy, as well as for Indonesia to continue to enhance its defence partnership with other countries.
Col. Agung Karyanto

Col. Agung Karyanto
Outward-Looking Strategy: Key to Post-MEF Naval Posture
In our latest webinar, Col. Agung Karyanto explained how the government uses an outward-looking approach and weighs potential external threats in formulating national defence policies and strategies. M. Karyanto also emphasised that an advanced domestic defence industry is one of the enablers for Indonesia to have a strong national defence.
Lt. Col. Ahmad Makmur Ikhlas

Lt. Col. Ahmad Makmur Ikhlas
Outward-Looking Strategy: Key to Post-MEF Naval Posture
In our latest discussion, Lt. Col. Ahmad Makmur Ikhlas pointed out the Indonesian Navy’s (TNI AL) plan to operate more advanced platforms that, if needed, can be deployed to waters outside Indonesia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to help it become a blue water navy and better protect the country’s national interests.
Edna Caroline

Edna Caroline
Outward-Looking Strategy: Key to Post-MEF Naval Posture
In our latest discussion, Edna Caroline highlighted why it is important for Indonesia to have an outward-looking defence strategy with a special focus on building air and naval power that could also be deployed outside its territory. Ms. Caroline also mentioned several challenges for Indonesia to have a more outward-looking and modern navy.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Outward-Looking Strategy: Key to Post-MEF Naval Posture
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali underlined the need for Indonesia to continue modernizing its navy to anticipate the rising geopolitical tension in the Indo-Pacific Region and boost the development of its indigenous defence industry. M. Ali also explained some political uncertainty about the government’s support for the Indonesian Navy’s (TNI AL) ambition to become a blue water navy.

More than (Memorandum of Understanding) : Opportunities for National Industry within Defence Cooperation
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
More than (Memorandum of Understanding) : Opportunities for National Industry within Defence Cooperation
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, underlined the importance of defence cooperation formalisation for Indonesian National Armed Forces’ (TNI) modernisation and domestic defence industry advancement.
Aloysius Selwas Taborat

Aloysius Selwas Taborat
More than (Memorandum of Understanding) : Opportunities for National Industry within Defence Cooperation
In our latest webinar, Aloysius Selwas Taborat explained the process of drafting and ratifying defence-related international agreements within the Indonesian Government. M. Taborat also emphasised the importance of forming formal defence agreements to help guarantee Indonesia’s national development and welfare.

More than (Memorandum of Understanding) : Opportunities for National Industry within Defence Cooperation
In our latest discussion, Jupriyanto shared his views on issues that the Indonesian Government must take into account when attempting to establish or implement defence industry cooperation with other countries. In Addition, M. Jupriyanto mentioned some criteria to determine whether or not the Indonesian defence industry would benefit from bilateral or multilateral defence cooperation.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
More than (Memorandum of Understanding) : Opportunities for National Industry within Defence Cooperation
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali highlighted some of the challenges for Jakarta to create more formal defence agreements with other countries, especially those that include defence industry and high technology-related cooperation. M. Ali also explained several obstacles in implementing a G-to-G level agreement within a profitable B-to-B cooperation framework.

Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, explained the importance of dual-use technology in modernising the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and advancing the country’s indigenous defence industry.
Junitu Tikupasang

Junitu Tikupasang
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
In our latest webinar, Junitu Tikupasang, described how PT Dirgantara Indonesia utilise dual-use technology to create both defence and commercial products and services. M. Tikupasang also mentioned several ongoing and upcoming dual-use technology-related projects in the company.
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate, underlined despite its clear benefits, dual-use technology is still under-explored and regulated in Indonesia. M. Ate also explained why the Indonesian Defence Industry should have clear criteria and priority lists of what dual-use technology should they prioritise.
Col. Dedy Laksmono

Col. Dedy Laksmono
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
In our latest discussion, Col. Dedy Laksmono mentioned several challenges that the Indonesian defence industry faces when it comes to mastering and utilising more dual-use technologies, especially in terms of compliance with domestic and international regulations, to meet both local and global market demand.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
In our latest discussion, Alman Helvas Ali presented a number of advice for the government and industry actors on how Indonesia could not only obtain and utilise more dual-use technology, but also how to protect it. M. Ali also stated that with the absence of a clear road map, regulatory framework, and long-term commitment, it will be increasingly difficult for the Indonesian defence industry to cultivate all the benefits of mastering dual-use technologies.

Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, stressed the importance for Indonesian defence companies to become part of the global supply chain to expand their business and technological capabilities.
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate, mentioned a number of challenges that hinder the Indonesian defence industry to become a key player in the global defence supply chain, including a lack of domestic support and clear long-term planning, as well as limited human resources.
Astri Permatasari

Astri Permatasari
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest discussion, Astri Permatasari discussed the current state of Indonesia’s defence product exports and identified the obstacles in the international market that need to be anticipated for Indonesia to boost its export. Ms. Permatasari also explained several facilities or services that the Ministry of Trade could give to local defence companies to expand their market abroad.
Imam Diawarman

Imam Diawarman
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest discussion, Imam Diawarman revealed Pindad’s vision to become a major player in the global supply chain and explained the strategies to achieve this goal. M. Diawarman also mentioned some of Pindad’s achievements in increasing its production capacity and how it has formed various partnerships with foreign defence companies.
Novan Iman Santosa

Novan Iman Santosa
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest discussion, Novan Iman Santosa explained several business alternatives besides design and manufacturing which should be developed by the Indonesian defence industry to develop its business at domestic and international markets.
Putra Egam

Putra Egam
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest discussion, Putra Egam, explained Sari Bahari’s targets and strategies to increase its presence in the international market, including by becoming part of the regional and global supply. M. Egam emphasised the need for Indonesian private defence companies to innovate consistently in order to meet present and future market demands.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali elaborated on the fundamental obstacles hindering the Indonesian defence industry from securing a more significant share of the global supply chain. M. Ali also gave his comments on the importance of the Indonesian defence industry in finding the right foreign partners who can provide assistance, especially in terms of capital, technological expertise, and market access.

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, mentioned how the latest strategic development in the Indo-Pacific serves as a reminder of the importance of Indonesia to have an optimum national defence posture to protect its territorial sovereignty and national interests.
Curie Maharani Savitri

Curie Maharani Savitri
AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
In our latest webinar, Curie Maharani Savitri, explained the impact of the AUKUS nuclear submarine pact and recommended several strategic options that Jakarta can adopt in response to the alliance as well as the concerning trend in the great power competition within the Indo-Pacific Region, which includes enhancing its arms modernisation programme and defence diplomacy.
Col. Iwan Kusumah

Col. Iwan Kusumah
AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
In our latest discussion, Col. Iwan Kusumah stated that AUKUS is one of the latest wake-up calls for Indonesia to improve its underwater defence. M. Kusumah also shared his views on Indonesia’s maritime defence concept and strategy, as well as the requirements for the Indonesian Navy’s future submarine fleet amid the rising arms race and geopolitical tension in the region.
Col. Sugeng Suryanto

Col. Sugeng Suryanto
AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
In our latest discussion, Col. Sugeng Suryanto stressed that Indonesia’s defence strategy also takes into account the strategic developments at the regional and global levels. When it comes to improving Indonesia’s maritime defence, some of the modernisation programmes are focused on improving the Indonesian Navy’s submarines and surface combatants fleet.
RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono

RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono
AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
In our latest discussion, RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono stated that many factors influence defence-related strategies and policy, including geopolitics and national resources. M. Pramono further emphasised that the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) will only become strong if it is supported by a strong and independent indigenous defence industry.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali gave his comments about how Indonesia should see AUKUS as an opportunity and challenge when it comes to creating a long-term defence investment and procurement plan, as well as enhancing Indonesian Navy’s underwater deterrence through the procurement of a more capable submarine platform, among other things.

Transfer of Technology: A Strategic Partnership in Defence Investment
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
Transfer of Technology: A Strategic Partnership in Defence Investment
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, underlined the benefit for Indonesia to have a long-term commitment to defence technology transfer which should be seen as a strategic investment.
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate
Transfer of Technology: A Strategic Partnership in Defence Investment
In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate conveyed how technology transfer programmes from arms procurement are directly related to the independence and strength of Indonesia’s national defence. Hence, Indonesia must prioritise arms procurement proposals with the most transfer of technology potential.
Col. Dedy Laksmono

Col. Dedy Laksmono
Transfer of Technology: A Strategic Partnership in Defence Investment
In our latest discussion, Col. Dedy Laksmono presented the conditions of Indonesia’s defence industry as well as how in the past six years the Ministry of Defence has managed to secure dozens of offset programmes with a total value of billions of US dollars.
Yono Reksoprodjo

Yono Reksoprodjo
Transfer of Technology: A Strategic Partnership in Defence Investment
In our latest discussion, Yono Reksoprodjo explained Indonesia’s defence industry targets, several challenges to achieve them, and what forms of long-term transfer of technology cooperation and investment will bring more benefits not only for domestic defence firms but also foreign OEMs.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Transfer of Technology: A Strategic Partnership in Defence Investment
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali gave insights on technical and non-technical matters that affect the transfer and mastery of defence technology in Indonesia. M. Ali also gave several recommendations in order for Indonesia to advance its defence industry ecosystem.

One Year After: Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine and Its Impact on Indonesia’s Defence
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
One Year After: Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine and Its Impact on Indonesia’s Defence
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S., mentioned how significant the ongoing war in Ukraine is to Indonesia’s national defence posture and modernisation programme.

One Year After: Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine and Its Impact on Indonesia’s Defence
In our latest webinar, Jupriyanto explained the lessons that Indonesia could learn from the war between Russia and Ukraine. M. Jupriyanto also emphasised that Indonesia must choose the right foreign partners to help it develop its defence capability.
Novan Iman Santosa

Novan Iman Santosa
One Year After: Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine and Its Impact on Indonesia’s Defence
In our latest discussion, Novan Iman Santosa highlighted that the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine provides many lessons that Indonesia can learn form. For instance, the importance of having a strong industrial capability as well as strategic partnerships with other countries to continue to fight.
Curie Maharani Savitri

Curie Maharani Savitri
One Year After: Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine and Its Impact on Indonesia’s Defence
In our latest webinar, Curie Maharani Savitri offered several alternative defence-related policies that Indonesia could adopt to overcome some of the challenges that the Russian military invasion of Ukraine presents to the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) readiness and modernisation process.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
One Year After: Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine and Its Impact on Indonesia’s Defence
In our latest discussion, Alman Helvas Ali explained how the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine has ripple effects on global defence industries. M. Ali also shared his views on what Indonesia can learn from the war in Ukraine to have a more capable domestic defence industry and national defence posture.

2023: A Good Year for Domestic Defence Industry?
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
2023: A Good Year for Domestic Defence Industry?
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, explained several internal and external key factors that will determine the fate of Indonesia’s defence industry in 2023.
Maj. Gen. Rodon Pedrason

Maj. Gen. Rodon Pedrason
2023: A Good Year for Domestic Defence Industry?
In our latest discussion, Maj. Gen. Rodon Pedrason explained the complexity of modernising an armed forces while at the same time advancing the domestic defence industry, especially with the growing geopolitical tensions in the region. M. Pedrason also shared his thoughts on how Indonesia could choose the best domestic and foreign partners in boosting its national defence.
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate
2023: A Good Year for Domestic Defence Industry?
In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate explained the challenges faced by Indonesian private defence firms in obtaining contracts from the government and selling their products in the international market. M. Ate also shared his views on the prospects in the Indonesian defence market in 2023.
Rizal Darma Putra

Rizal Darma Putra
2023: A Good Year for Domestic Defence Industry?
In our latest discussion, Rizal Darma Putra highlighted several principles that must be followed in Indonesia’s defence modernisation process. Furthermore, M. Putra discussed how geopolitic competition in both regional and global levels greatly affect the defence industry and market.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
2023: A Good Year for Domestic Defence Industry?
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali gave an overview regarding the current condition of the Indonesian defence industry and ways to improve it. M. Ali also believes that Indonesia should be more active in selling its products in the international arms market to help its domestic defence industry achieve economies of scale given the low demand from the domestic market, among other things.