Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, stressed the importance for Indonesian defence companies to become part of the global supply chain to expand their business and technological capabilities.
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate, mentioned a number of challenges that hinder the Indonesian defence industry to become a key player in the global defence supply chain, including a lack of domestic support and clear long-term planning, as well as limited human resources.
Astri Permatasari

Astri Permatasari
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest discussion, Astri Permatasari discussed the current state of Indonesia’s defence product exports and identified the obstacles in the international market that need to be anticipated for Indonesia to boost its export. Ms. Permatasari also explained several facilities or services that the Ministry of Trade could give to local defence companies to expand their market abroad.
Imam Diawarman

Imam Diawarman
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest discussion, Imam Diawarman revealed Pindad’s vision to become a major player in the global supply chain and explained the strategies to achieve this goal. M. Diawarman also mentioned some of Pindad’s achievements in increasing its production capacity and how it has formed various partnerships with foreign defence companies.
Novan Iman Santosa

Novan Iman Santosa
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest discussion, Novan Iman Santosa explained several business alternatives besides design and manufacturing which should be developed by the Indonesian defence industry to develop its business at domestic and international markets.
Putra Egam

Putra Egam
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest discussion, Putra Egam, explained Sari Bahari’s targets and strategies to increase its presence in the international market, including by becoming part of the regional and global supply. M. Egam emphasised the need for Indonesian private defence companies to innovate consistently in order to meet present and future market demands.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Unlocking the Potential: Penetrating the Global Defence Supply Chain
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali elaborated on the fundamental obstacles hindering the Indonesian defence industry from securing a more significant share of the global supply chain. M. Ali also gave his comments on the importance of the Indonesian defence industry in finding the right foreign partners who can provide assistance, especially in terms of capital, technological expertise, and market access.