Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, explained the importance of dual-use technology in modernising the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and advancing the country’s indigenous defence industry.
Junitu Tikupasang

Junitu Tikupasang
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
In our latest webinar, Junitu Tikupasang, described how PT Dirgantara Indonesia utilise dual-use technology to create both defence and commercial products and services. M. Tikupasang also mentioned several ongoing and upcoming dual-use technology-related projects in the company.
Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate, underlined despite its clear benefits, dual-use technology is still under-explored and regulated in Indonesia. M. Ate also explained why the Indonesian Defence Industry should have clear criteria and priority lists of what dual-use technology should they prioritise.
Col. Dedy Laksmono

Col. Dedy Laksmono
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
In our latest discussion, Col. Dedy Laksmono mentioned several challenges that the Indonesian defence industry faces when it comes to mastering and utilising more dual-use technologies, especially in terms of compliance with domestic and international regulations, to meet both local and global market demand.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Civil & Defence: Reaping Economic Benefits of Dual-Use Technology
In our latest discussion, Alman Helvas Ali presented a number of advice for the government and industry actors on how Indonesia could not only obtain and utilise more dual-use technology, but also how to protect it. M. Ali also stated that with the absence of a clear road map, regulatory framework, and long-term commitment, it will be increasingly difficult for the Indonesian defence industry to cultivate all the benefits of mastering dual-use technologies.