Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan
Opening Remarks
Bianca Nadiera

Bianca Nadiera
Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan
In our latest webinar, our Communication Associate, Bianca Nadiera, pointed out a number of factors that must be taken into account when the Indonesian Government wants to implement energy transition policies in the country’s defence sector.
Agus Tjahajana

Agus Tjahajana
Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan
In our latest webinar, Agus Tjahajana presented the economic opportunities and global defence industry trends to develop and produce military equipment and platforms that are more environmentally friendly, including those that utilise battery technology. M. Tjahajana also explained why it is important for Indonesia’s domestic defence and commercial industry to master energy transition-related technologies.
AFM Dedy Laksmono

AFM Dedy Laksmono
Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan
In our latest discussion, AFM Dedy Laksmono mentioned a number of benefits that energy transition-related technologies could provide to the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). Additionally, M. Laksmono underlined the Ministry of Defence and TNI’s plans to operate more electric vehicles and battery-based platforms.
Novan Iman Santosa

Novan Iman Santosa
Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan
In our latest discussion, Novan Iman Santosa highlighted several alternative energy sources and storage technologies that could be adopted by the Indonesian defence sector, especially biofuels, solar panels, and batteries. M. Santosa also emphasised that energy storage and distribution must be adapted to military operational needs.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Strengthening Defence, Safeguarding Nature: TNI’s Energy Transition Plan
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali explained that the energy transition in the defence secretary heavily relies on access to key technologies, as well as budgetary and political support from the government. M. Ali also presented several recommendations on how the Indonesian defence industry and armed forces should incorporate more energy transition-related technologies.