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Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

Answering Modern Threats and Anticipating Tomorrow’s Conflict: The Future of Indonesia’s Surface Fleet?

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Indonesia on the Global Stage: Navigating Renewed Challenges

Indonesia on the Global Stage: Navigating Renewed Challenges

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Indonesia-Turkiye Defence Industry Cooperation: Forging a New Frontier?

Indonesia-Turkiye Defence Industry Cooperation: Forging a New Frontier?

Indonesia-Turkiye Defence Industry Cooperation: Forging a New Frontier?

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New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation
December 13, 2022

New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

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Anastasia Febiola S

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New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation
Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

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Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S., mentioned a number of interesting questions related to the appointment of Admiral Yudo Margono as the next Commander (Panglima) of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and its impact on the organisation’s modernisation process.


Cmdre. Didong Rio Duta

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New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

Cmdre. Didong Rio Duta

New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

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In our latest discussion, Cmdre. Didong Rio Duta described the background, experience and leadership style of Admiral Yudo Margono, the navy’s long-term modernisation targets, and the challenges that TNI must face in 2023, especially when it comes to arms modernization and procurement.


Adhi Priamarizki

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New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

Adhi Priamarizki

New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

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In our latest webinar, Adhi Priamarizki mentioned the priorities of the new Panglima and emphasised that he is not the only actor who influence the national defence policy, including in terms of arms modernisation and acquisition. M. Priamarizki also gave several recommendations so that TNI modernisation can be implemented more efficiently considering the existing constraints.


Novan Iman Santosa

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New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

Novan Iman Santosa

New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

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In our latest discussion, Novan Iman Santosa reminded that ideally, the new Panglima would not only be responsible for continuing existing programmes, but also formulating a post-2024 military modernisation roadmap. M. Santosa also mentioned the list of arms procurement contracts that have yet to be executed.


Curie Maharani Savitri

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New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

Curie Maharani Savitri

New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

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In our latest webinar, Curie Maharani Savitri explained the impact of the latest leadership regeneration within the TNI and how the new Panglima will most likely continue to execute existing programmes due to his limited time in office and budget constraints, among other things. Additionally, Ms. Savitri described how Indonesia could boost its defence diplomacy in 2023.


Alman Helvas Ali

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New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

Alman Helvas Ali

New Panglima and the Fate of TNI Modernisation

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In our latest discussion, Alman Helvas Ali underlined the lack of budgetary support to modernise the Indonesian Navy’s (TNI AL) major weapon systems and what are the prospects for Indonesia’s arms procurement in the Fiscal Year 2023.

Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority
November 22, 2022

Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

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Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority
Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

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Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, emphasised the importance of the development of domestic defence products to fulfil TNI AL’s operational needs. Furthermore, relevant stakeholders must set a scale of priorities in terms of implementing defence projects to achieve an effective, efficient, and adaptive naval strategy.


Maj, Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

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Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

Maj, Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

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In our latest webinar, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate highlighted significant progress of domestic shipyard companies, which have started to expand their military-related capabilities. However, M. Ate mentioned a challenge that TNI AL might encounter, such as limited capacity of shipyard facilities and main naval bases to support TNI AL operations.


Rizal Darma Putra

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Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

Rizal Darma Putra

Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

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In our latest discussion, Rizal Darma Putra highlighted maritime security threats that could possibly disrupt Indonesia’s sovereignty. Furthermore, the current issue of budget constraints might hinder the Indonesian Navy to acquire the integrated weapons systems needed to establish an effective naval strategy. Thus, M. Putra encouraged the Indonesian Navy to prepare mitigation and contingency plans to overcome such challenges.


Edna Caroline

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Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

Edna Caroline

Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

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In our latest discussion, Edna Caroline emphasised that the current Minimum Essential Force (MEF) target has been reduced due to budget limitations. Thus, Ms. Caroline argued that the Indonesian Navy’s presence and control are lacking due to such a challenge.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

Alman Helvas Ali

Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Strategy Priority

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In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali discussed the current state of Indonesian naval forces and the challenges they are currently facing. It might be difficult for Indonesia to increase its naval capabilities with the existing fiscal constraints.

From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment
November 9, 2022

From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment


Alban Sciascia

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From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment

Alban Sciascia

From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment

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Our Director, Alban Sciascia, explained how defence investment will not only strengthen Indonesia’s defence posture, but also contribute to the country’s post-COVID-19 economic recovery effort by providing jobs for the domestic defence industry through Transfer of Technology (ToT) and offset programs.


Maj, Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

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From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment

Maj, Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment

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Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate highlighted that to support defence investment, Indonesia must have a long-term modernisation plan to purchase defence equipment until 2045. In addition, Indonesia must also increase its defence spending to provide more opportunities for the domestic defence industry to receive transfer of technology.


Tazar Marta Kurniawan

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From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment

Tazar Marta Kurniawan

From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment

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In our latest webinar held on November 9, Tazar Marta Kurniawan explained that there is a need for co-production of defence equipment in order to increase local defence companies’ production capabilities and capacities.


Alman Helvas Ali

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From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment

Alman Helvas Ali

From Weapons Procurement to Defence Investment

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Alman Helvas Ali explained that looking at the case of India and Brazil, offsets from weapons procurement could create tens of thousands of jobs in Indonesia and would benefit both domestic state-owned and private defence industry actors. He also emphasised that defence industry actors should keep in mind that they are business entities and should aim for profit to survive.

Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate
October 26, 2022

Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate

Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

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Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate
Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate

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Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S., raised some questions about how Indonesia can boost foreign and domestic investments in its defence sector amid fiscal restrictions and geopolitical uncertainties. At the same time, the government must ensure that defence spending will benefit both private and state-owned defence companies in the country.


AFM Wajariman

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Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate

AFM Wajariman

Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate

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In our latest webinar, AFM Wajariman explained how Indonesia could maximise offsets from foreign arms procurement if it is able to buy weapon systems/platforms in large quantities. Additionally, AFM Wajariman mentioned several considerations within the Ministry of Defence in selection what kind of weapon systems/platforms it should develop domestically.


Novan Iman Santosa

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Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate

Novan Iman Santosa

Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate

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In our latest discussion, Novan Iman Santosa highlighted two important factors in maintaining a good defence investment climate in Indonesia: long-term order certainty and procurement plan consistency. Ideally, if these two factors are met, investors will be more interested in supporting the advancement of the Indonesian defence industry.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate

Alman Helvas Ali

Fixing Indonesia’s Defence Investment Climate

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During our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali discussed the challenges and how Indonesia can attract foreign investors to help advance its domestic defence industry. It will be difficult for Indonesia to increase defence investment with the existing budget constraints.

Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)
October 4, 2022

Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

Opening Remarks

Alban Sciascia

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Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)
Opening Remarks

Alban Sciascia

Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

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Maritime Domain Awareness, or MDA, is the capacity to know what happens over, under and on the surface of the water. This capacity is important for several reasons: first, by knowing what is happening, the authorities could optimise measures to mitigate threats and risks and, by de facto, to protect a country’s sovereignty, as well as its resources and maritime domain users. MDA is even more important nowadays, as many cases of countries that do not respect the sovereignty of other states recently arise, leading to conflict.



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Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)


Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

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In our latest webinar, Nurhayadi, highlighted that several years ago, the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs worked alongside other ministries to carry out a 30-day operation at sea, and that was the time when the authorities were able to catch the perpetrators responsible for doing waste disposal. However, despite being successful in catching the perpetrators, Indonesia still frequently encounters up to four hours delay in receiving satellite data to this day, which has been hampering investigation and efforts to arrest the perpetrators.


Col. Bakamla Hudiansyah

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Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

Col. Bakamla Hudiansyah

Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

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In our latest webinar, Col. Bakamla Hudiansyah Is Nursal, argued that based on discussions held in Bakamla, many countries with more experiences in maritime strategic thinking have built up their MDA capabilities. Indonesia, as the world’s largest archipelagic state, should do the same. However, a lack of transparency within ministries and agencies involved remains an issue, which has not been resolved yet.


Sayed Fauzan Riyadi

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Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

Sayed Fauzan Riyadi

Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

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In our latest webinar, Sayed Fauzan Riyadi, stated that he has classified six regimes of maritime governance, starting from the Traditional Regime; followed by four regimes in between, which are: Coastal State, Port State, Flag State, and Archipelagic State; and there is a regime of High Seas or Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction. For example, if Indonesia is seen as a Port State, meaning that Indonesia is a country that is responsible for ensuring the safety of its ports. Then, in the process of securing the port, the CIQs (Custom, Immigration, Quarantine) must be harmonised with other countries, and it could not possibly be implemented without a thorough port management system.


Andi Raihanah Ashar

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Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

Andi Raihanah Ashar

Dusk Till Dawn? Designing Indonesia’s Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA)

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In our latest webinar, Andi Raihanah Ashar, highlighted the tough responsibility of relevant stakeholders to manage various institutions, which actually could be done by determining a clear chain of command, and how to utilise the best assets, at the best moment, at the right time. Furthermore, the solution that can be considered by the government is to detect the electronic signature of each ship through radio frequency signal detection.

Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities
September 27, 2022

Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

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Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities
Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

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Consideration needs to be given to CTLCO (Countertrade, Local Components, and Offsets) programmes within defence spending which can benefit all parties, including local actors. In this sense, the government has a significant opportunity to evaluate the potential economic value that can be obtained from defence spending, which can also support the development of industrial sectors in the area and embrace local communities amid the current economic difficulties.


Wildan Arief

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Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

Wildan Arief

Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

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In our webinar titled “Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities”, Wildan Arief, highlighted that PT Dirgantara Indonesia strives to contribute strongly from the knowledge side, where the high-tech industry serves as a learning centre for students and the surrounding community. Furthermore, PT Dirgantara Indonesia can participate in improving the regional economy in three ways, including by creating jobs, expanding new business opportunities for local residents, and increasing the growth index in the industrial area.


Maj, Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

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Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

Maj, Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

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In our webinar titled “Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities”, Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate, argued that the contribution of the defence industry towards regional governments could be in the form of security and stability for the local administration and communities. Furthermore, the central government could communicate with the regional authorities, in terms of domestic defence industry capability, so that the local authorities can have a role in the development of the defence industry.


Kukuh Tri Sandi

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Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

Kukuh Tri Sandi

Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

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In our webinar titled “Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities”, Kukuh Tri Sandi, argued that the East Java Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) supports the development and modernisation of the defence industry through human resource capacity building. A number of ways to do this is by increasing the competitiveness in vocational schools and training centres.


Andreas Wangsanegara

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Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

Andreas Wangsanegara

Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

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In our webinar titled “Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities”, Andreas Wangsanegara as the Director of PT Pudak Scientific, highlighted that the company’s contributions to the local economy are by creating and using skilled labour, providing job opportunities, internships, as well as conducting joint research with educational institutions, thus producing high-value added output.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

Alman Helvas Ali

Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities

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In our webinar titled “Defence Industry Impact on Local Government and Communities”, Alman Helvas Ali, stated that Indonesian defence industry has a lot of potential to increase its contribution to the national economy, including high-tech mastery, a small number of defence or non-defense industries that are part of global supply chains, and how to create a domestic supply chains.

Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region
August 30, 2022

Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

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Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region
Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

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Jakarta’s concerns regarding the proliferation of nuclear-powered submarines, might be directed to the establishment of the AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom, United States) alliance and Canberra’s plan to acquire nuclear-powered submarines. However, it is also important to take into consideration the evolution of the security environment, especially in the Indo-Pacific region, where tensions in the region have continued to rise in recent weeks. At the same time, Indonesia also needs to operate major weapons systems that have a deterrent effect, in order to protect its sovereignty and national interests.


Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto

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Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto

Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

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In our latest webinar, Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto, stated that Indonesia’s strategic environment has become increasingly complex with the emergence of AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom, United States) and QUAD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) alliances, as well as competitive interactions between superpowers in the Indo-Pacific region. M. Supriyanto argued that the most obvious impact is the increasing density of foreign military traffic passing through Indonesian territory, including nuclear-powered submarines.


Col. Agung Karyanto

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Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

Col. Agung Karyanto

Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

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In our latest webinar, Col. Agung Karyanto, highlighted that Indonesia would continue upholding its commitment of zero-nuclear policy, including to not develop nuclear energy for military purposes, when dealing with the evolution of security context in the Indo-Pacific region. In terms of nuclear-powered submarine proliferation, M. Karyanto argued that Jakarta would need to address the issue through ‘special’ policy.


Alman Helvas Ali

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Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

Alman Helvas Ali

Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

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In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali, stated that diesel-electric submarines have limitations in terms of endurance compared to nuclear-powered submarines. However, the former still have advantages over nuclear-powered submarines, especially in terms of noise from machinery vibrations. Such cases can be seen from the naval fleets of developed countries such as the United States, where they are not only relying on passive sonar to detect diesel-electric submarines, but they are also using low frequency sonar arrays.


VADM Muhammad Ali

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Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

VADM Muhammad Ali

Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region

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In our latest webinar, VADM Muhammad Ali, highlighted that the Indonesian government should choose and implement the right strategy in dealing with threats or possible intrusions – including other country’s submarines – especially noting its geographical conditions. Furthermore, with the escalation of tension in the South China Sea, nuclear-powered submarines passing through the area become one of Indonesia’s main concerns.

AUKUS: Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Posture
August 12, 2022

AUKUS: Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Posture


Curie Maharani Savitri

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AUKUS: Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Posture

Curie Maharani Savitri

AUKUS: Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Posture

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Curie Maharani Savitri explained that the reasons preventing Indonesia from embracing an A2/AD posture are not only due to the failure of obtaining the necessary technology, but also politically based. The posture to be adopted in the coming months will also depend on how the government will ponder over the AUKUS alliance.


Novan Iman Santosa

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AUKUS: Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Posture

Novan Iman Santosa

AUKUS: Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Posture

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Novan Iman Santosa argued that even though Indonesia has no intention of surveying the South China Sea, long-range capabilities are a necessity to conduct continuous and efficient patrols across the country.


Alman Helvas Ali

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AUKUS: Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Posture

Alman Helvas Ali

AUKUS: Rethinking Indonesia’s Naval Posture

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Alman Helvas Ali reasoned that whether threats originate from AUKUS and/or China, Indonesia ought to modernise its forces, and particularly the navy by obtaining adequate submarines and major surface combatants.

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