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AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
April 12, 2023

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

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AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?
Opening Remarks

Anastasia Febiola S

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

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Our Research Coordinator & Head of Defence, Anastasia Febiola S, mentioned how the latest strategic development in the Indo-Pacific serves as a reminder of the importance of Indonesia to have an optimum national defence posture to protect its territorial sovereignty and national interests.


Curie Maharani Savitri

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AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

Curie Maharani Savitri

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

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In our latest webinar, Curie Maharani Savitri, explained the impact of the AUKUS nuclear submarine pact and recommended several strategic options that Jakarta can adopt in response to the alliance as well as the concerning trend in the great power competition within the Indo-Pacific Region, which includes enhancing its arms modernisation programme and defence diplomacy.


Col. Iwan Kusumah

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AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

Col. Iwan Kusumah

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

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In our latest discussion, Col. Iwan Kusumah stated that AUKUS is one of the latest wake-up calls for Indonesia to improve its underwater defence. M. Kusumah also shared his views on Indonesia’s maritime defence concept and strategy, as well as the requirements for the Indonesian Navy’s future submarine fleet amid the rising arms race and geopolitical tension in the region.


Col. Sugeng Suryanto

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AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

Col. Sugeng Suryanto

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

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In our latest discussion, Col. Sugeng Suryanto stressed that Indonesia’s defence strategy also takes into account the strategic developments at the regional and global levels. When it comes to improving Indonesia’s maritime defence, some of the modernisation programmes are focused on improving the Indonesian Navy’s submarines and surface combatants fleet.


RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono

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AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

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In our latest discussion, RADM (Ret.) Agung Pramono stated that many factors influence defence-related strategies and policy, including geopolitics and national resources. M. Pramono further emphasised that the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) will only become strong if it is supported by a strong and independent indigenous defence industry.


Alman Helvas Ali

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AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

Alman Helvas Ali

AUKUS Nuclear Submarine Pact: A Reminder of Indonesia’s Vulnerable Underwater Defence?

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In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali gave his comments about how Indonesia should see AUKUS as an opportunity and challenge when it comes to creating a long-term defence investment and procurement plan, as well as enhancing Indonesian Navy’s underwater deterrence through the procurement of a more capable submarine platform, among other things.

Semar Sentinel