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March 15, 2022
Dual-Use Technology: Maximising the Economic Benefits on Defence Spending
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As the government continues to support the modernisation of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), the latest signature of various Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) with French defence industry, and the approval by the United States of negotiations for the purchase of F-15ID/EX fighter aircrafts, represent opportunities for Jakarta to gain economic benefits through offsets and technology transfer.
Among offsets and technology transfer, Indonesia should focus on the “dual-use technology” (DUT) that refers to certain technologies applicable to both defence and civilian/commercial sectors. Acquiring DUT from these military equipment procurements will not only benefit the TNI, but also other domestic industries.
Alman Helvas Ali
Consultant for PT Semar Sentinel Indonesia
Novan Iman Santosa
Editor at the Jakarta Post and Co-founder of Jakarta Defence Studies
Yono Reksoprodjo
KKIP Head of Technology Transfer and Offset
Gita Amperiawan
CEO of PT Dirgantara Indonesia