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March 19, 2025
09.30 WIB (GMT+7)
Between Trust and Caution: Indonesia’s Strategic Partnerships in a Shifting World
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In our upcoming webinar, ‘Between Trust and Caution: Indonesia’s Strategic Partnerships in a Shifting World’, we will discuss the implications of the current geopolitical developments to Indonesia’s foreign policy, especially its strategic partnerships. In facing uncertainties and changing nature of alliances, what should Indonesia consider from a partner, especially in defence cooperation, to ensure and uphold its sovereign interests?
Join us to discuss Indonesia’s strategic partnership in the midst of the uncertainy geopolitical situation and how the country should face the rising issues, on March 19, 2025 at 09.30 WIB (GMT+7)!
Maj. Gen. Oktaheroe Ramsi
Dean, Faculty of Defence Strategy, Indonesia Defence University
Adam Mulawarman Tugio
Expert Staff of Politics, Law, and Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Curie Maharani Savitri
Expert in Offset and Defence Matters, Lecturer at Bina Nusantara University
Iqbal Bagus Alfiansyah
Research Analyst at PT Semar Sentinel Indonesia