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Attracting More Foreign Investment in Indonesian Defence Industry


Through the Job Creation (Omnibus) Law, the government revised several articles in Law No. 16/2012, which marks a new chapter of the Indonesian defence industry sector. The Omnibus Law particularly allows national private sector to compete and be potentially appointed as lead integrator in defence equipment procurement deals. Furthermore, the involvement of domestic private defence firms is aimed to generate healthy market competition and to provide investment opportunities for foreign suppliers that could eventually create spillover effects on Indonesia’s economy.


Alman Helvas Ali

Expert in Defence Matters at PT Semar Sentinel Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Jupriyanto, S.T., M.T., CIQAR., IPU., ASEAN Eng

Lecturer at Indonesia Defence University

Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Jan Pieter Ate

Executive Chairperson of Pinhantanas

Rangga Jantan Wargadalam

Coordinator for Maritime and Homeland Security at the Ministry of National Development and Planning (Bappenas)

Semar Sentinel