Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region
Opening Remarks
Anastasia Febiola S

Anastasia Febiola S
Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region
Jakarta’s concerns regarding the proliferation of nuclear-powered submarines, might be directed to the establishment of the AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom, United States) alliance and Canberra’s plan to acquire nuclear-powered submarines. However, it is also important to take into consideration the evolution of the security environment, especially in the Indo-Pacific region, where tensions in the region have continued to rise in recent weeks. At the same time, Indonesia also needs to operate major weapons systems that have a deterrent effect, in order to protect its sovereignty and national interests.
Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto

Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto
Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region
In our latest webinar, Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto, stated that Indonesia’s strategic environment has become increasingly complex with the emergence of AUKUS (Australia, United Kingdom, United States) and QUAD (Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) alliances, as well as competitive interactions between superpowers in the Indo-Pacific region. M. Supriyanto argued that the most obvious impact is the increasing density of foreign military traffic passing through Indonesian territory, including nuclear-powered submarines.
Col. Agung Karyanto

Col. Agung Karyanto
Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region
In our latest webinar, Col. Agung Karyanto, highlighted that Indonesia would continue upholding its commitment of zero-nuclear policy, including to not develop nuclear energy for military purposes, when dealing with the evolution of security context in the Indo-Pacific region. In terms of nuclear-powered submarine proliferation, M. Karyanto argued that Jakarta would need to address the issue through ‘special’ policy.
Alman Helvas Ali

Alman Helvas Ali
Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region
In our latest webinar, Alman Helvas Ali, stated that diesel-electric submarines have limitations in terms of endurance compared to nuclear-powered submarines. However, the former still have advantages over nuclear-powered submarines, especially in terms of noise from machinery vibrations. Such cases can be seen from the naval fleets of developed countries such as the United States, where they are not only relying on passive sonar to detect diesel-electric submarines, but they are also using low frequency sonar arrays.
VADM Muhammad Ali

VADM Muhammad Ali
Indonesian Paper and the Nuclear Proliferation in Indo-Pacific Region
In our latest webinar, VADM Muhammad Ali, highlighted that the Indonesian government should choose and implement the right strategy in dealing with threats or possible intrusions – including other country’s submarines – especially noting its geographical conditions. Furthermore, with the escalation of tension in the South China Sea, nuclear-powered submarines passing through the area become one of Indonesia’s main concerns.